Lost Utopias/Islands of Abandonment
March 21, 2022Solar-powered Digital Archiving
April 18, 2023Burn Up/Burn Out: Curating for the Future
Burn Up/Burn Out: Curating for the Future
Sunday June 5, online, 2-4pm*
Eventbrite zoom link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/burn-up-burn-out-curating-for-the-future-tickets-335500831017
What does it mean to be an arts worker in a time of crisis? Join us for Burn Up/Burn Out: Curating for the Future, part of the Centre for Sustainable Curating’s Waste/Care/Carbon/Labour Speakers’ Series. For this event we have invited four early career curators, artists, and arts administrators with innovative practices to share and think about their projects in terms of the Synthetic Collective’s approach of “enough.” What does “enough” look like when confronted with the pressures of granting cycles, job insecurity, and growing wealth disparity? Are there ways to nurture our practices collaboratively, slowly, or in a dispersed manner?
Teresa Carlesimo, Lillian O’Brien Davis, Juliane Foronda, and Maya Wilson Sanchez will share short presentations on their work, followed by an in-depth discussion hosted by Amanda White.
The Synthetic Collective writes: “An approach of enough … means we should put in a lot of effort to build more equitable worlds, and that should be accompanied with an ethic of care, mindful that we don’t burn out and the planet doesn’t burn up….”

Image description: The background is an abstract colour field of various shades of green in shapes reminiscent of flames on a bright pink background. Text reads: Burn Out/Burn Up: Curating for the Future, June 5, 2-4pm. A list of the presenter names is included on the left hand side.
This event will have ASL and graphic interpretation.
*In Fall 2021, the Centre for Sustainable Curating posted a survey on accessing virtual events. Weekend afternoons scored very highly, particularly for those working full time. For this reason, Burn Up/Burn Out will be hosted on a Sunday afternoon for a live audience, and recorded and posted on the website.
The carbon impact of all events in the Waste/Care/Carbon/Labour Speakers Series will be calculated and shared in 2023.