Post-Doctoral Fellow Camille-Mary Sharp:

Titled Preserving Oil: Petroleum Heritage and Critical Practice in Oil Museums, Camille-Mary’s postdoctoral research at the CSC explores how the practices of oil museums might enrich pressing discussions of sustainable museology. Focusing on the Oil Museum of Canada in Oil Springs, Ontario, and the Norsk Oljemuseum in Stavanger, Norway, Camille-Mary will conduct archival, interview, and exhibition-based research to understand the unique challenges and opportunities of preserving the artifacts, records, and histories of an industry in transition.

Dr. Camille-Mary Sharp holds a Ph.D. in Information Studies and a Master of Museum Studies from the University of Toronto. She was a 2022-2024 Faculty Fellow in the Program in Museum Studies at New York University. Her research focuses on the relation between museums and resource extraction, including sponsorship by oil and mining industries and growing protests around these partnerships. Camille-Mary is also a core member of the scholar-activist collective Beyond Extraction and co-led their 2022 intervention “Mining at the Museum” at the Royal Ontario Museum. Her teaching interests include museum history, museum theory, and museum activism. Learn more about Camille-Mary’s projects at: