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April 18, 2023Launch event September 28, 2023
October 13, 2023Materials – workshop and series of short talks

On September 28, join the Centre for Sustainable Curating online and in person for an open house, a workshop, and a series of short talks.
Register at this link.
All times EST. Closed captioning available for online talks.
Room numbers shared in Eventbrite order confirmation (register at link above).
For those in London, talks can be attended in person and other events will be available throughout the day:
10am-2pm Open house, book, and art supplies give away at the Centre for Sustainable Curating
2:30-5:00pm Materials workshop with Mikaila Stevens. Extremely limited number of spaces available. Please contact to sign up.
In the workshop Art and Storytelling, Stevens will explore how Beadwork/Art is medicine and a powerful tool for sharing stories and finding strength in vulnerability to create meaningful connections to others.
5:30-6:00 – Kirsty Robertson and Friederike Landau-Donnelly introduce the CSC’s MATERIAL research stream and launch the zine Curating Waste (see below).
6:00-6:30 – Sheri Osden Nault. In their short talk Hide Tanning Intimacies and Care, Nault will discuss the acts of close care and tending that take place when transmuting a raw, unprocessed hide into the textile material of buckskin.
6:30-7:00 – Clara Polanco Talavera and Javier Garcia Jurado Cors join us from Mexico City. In their short talk Weaving the Fabric of Tradition: Celebrating Native Cotton Varieties and Community Guardianship they will explore the rich diversity of cotton varieties and the vital role communities play in preserving them. Delving into the cultural, ecological, and sustainability aspects, their talk emphasizes the need for collective care and stewardship in safeguarding these invaluable seeds for generations to come.
For more information and bios, please follow the CSC Instagram @centreforsustainablecurating
We hope to see you there!
Image Credit:
dentritic-organoplastoids / neptune balls, collected at Lake Huron, photo by Bruno Sinder, 2022
Image description: a small spherical ball of tightly woven sticks, grasses, plastic ribbon, and other detritus is photographed against a white backdrop.