The Centre for Sustainable Curating
The Centre for Sustainable Curating (CSC) is a hub for teaching, learning, and sharing information focused on museums and environmental and social justice. Located in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University in Ontario, Canada, the CSC encourages research into waste, pollution, and climate crisis, and the development of low-waste low-carbon exhibitions and artworks. Our focus is on outreach, sharing resources, and training the next generation of cultural workers. CSC research is available for cultural institutions of all sizes and can be found in the regularly updated Resource Guide, and in several toolkits in the Projects and Toolkits tab. The CSC is Directed by Dr. Kirsty Robertson, and welcomes contact from students, artists, curators, conservators, and anyone else with an interest in creating a greener culture sector.
Launched on May 27th, 2021. Questions that guide our work include:
- How can we imagine and act through responsibility, and accountability to the communities we are a part of and the communities that are in relation to us?
- How can we foreground the lands, air, and water of the Great Lakes region in our work?
- Is it possible to build an institution that is based in reciprocity?
The CSC is associated with other projects such as:
The Synthetic Collective, an interdisciplinary collaboration between visual artists, cultural workers, and scientists working together to sample, map, understand, and visualize the complex ways in which plastics and microplastics pollute the Great Lakes region.
A Museum for Future Fossils, a vernacular “museum without walls” focused on responding curatorially to the Anthropocene.
Director of Communications/Technology Support Specialist:
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Camille-Mary Sharp (2024-2026)
Amanda White (2021-2024)
Zoë Heyn-Jones (2021-2023)
Active Participants:
Katie Lawson, Amanda White, Sarah E.K. Smith, Kelly Wood, Blessy Augustine, Imogen Wilson, Emily Cadotte, Ashar Mobeen, Jasmine Sihra, Zoë Heyn-Jones, Ioana Dragomir, Christina Battle.
Christiana Abraham, Eugenia Kisin, Gabby Moser, Ryan Rice, Lan Tuazon, Tania Willard, Sheri Osden Nault, Clara Polanco Talavera, Javier Garcia Jurado Cors, Lois Klassen, Suzanne Carte, Sasha Opeiko, Jade Doskow, Cal Flyn, Maya Wilson Sanchez, Lillan O’Brien Davis, Juliane Foronda, David Heap, Lindsay French, Kim Solga, Michelle Wilson, Ellen Moffat, The Synthetic Collective, Charles Catchpole, Ron Benner, Laura Rojas, Camila Salcedo, Farms Music Band Association, Eliza Chandler, Ana Friz, Robert Hengeveld, Friederike Landau-Donnely, Jennifer Martin, Ashley Snook, Mikaila Stevens, Emily Allan + Dominique Dilibero, Alma Visscher, Lisa Binnie, Meech Boakye, Chelsea Boos, Jessica Brouder, Barbara Brown, Milanka Bunard, Danielle Burke, Martine Marie-Anne Chartrand, Joni Cheung, Oliviana Cinco, Clara Congdon, Sarah Cowling, Grace Denis.
Our Funders:
Social Science and Humanities Research Council
The Canada Council for the Arts
Western Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of Visual Arts, Western University
Strategic Priorities Fund, Western University